Hormone therapy Elk River, MN - Horizon Hormone Therapy

Overview of Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy involves supplementing hormones that are lacking or out of balance in the body. It can provide immense relief from uncomfortable symptoms and improve overall health and quality of life. At Horizon Hormone Therapy clinic in Elk River, we specialize in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) tailored to each individual's needs.

BHRT involves prescribing hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the body. This allows for excellent absorption and utilization rates. The key hormones we commonly prescribe include:


Our services




Hormone levels often decline with age, leading to deficiency symptoms. We emphasize the importance of prompt diagnosis and early treatment to halt progression of unwelcome signs like fatigue, weight gain and loss of sex drive. customized hormone therapy can resolve hormone imbalance issues safely and effectively.

At Horizon Hormone Therapy, initial consultations involve blood tests to analyze current hormone status, followed by developing a personalized treatment plan that is continually assessed and adjusted. Read on for more details about our services catered to the residents of Elk River and surrounding areas.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is determining the underlying reason for symptoms that lower your quality of life. We measure key hormone levels through comprehensive blood analysis, checking:

Estradiol and estrone



Thyroid hormones T3 and T4

Blood tests assess both free and total amounts of key hormones to determine imbalances. We also check levels of DHEA, cortisol, Vitamin D, and other markers. Our advanced analysis precisely pinpoints areas needing support.

Early detection means swifter resolution of unwelcome signs using individually tailored hormone therapy. Schedule a consultation today to discover your current hormone status.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to naturally occurring hormones in the human body. They are synthetically created from plant compounds and specially processed to perfectly match human hormones. This allows them to:

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was previously done using non-bioidentical types like equine estrogens, which often caused complications.

We only prescribe natural bioidentical hormones at our clinic because of their excellent safety profile and effectiveness. Custom-compounded to suit each person's hormone needs and objectives, they help alleviate deficiencies and unwelcome signs like:

Menopausal symptoms

Andropause in men

Thyroid issues

Adrenal imbalance

With proper diagnosis and individually tailored hormone therapy, these kinds of symptoms can besuccessfully alleviated. We develop personalized treatment plans involving careful dosage of high quality bioidentical hormones like progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormone etc.

Followup blood tests enable continual monitoring and dosage adjustments tailored to your body and objectives. The aim is balancing key hormones for ideal levels - not too high or too low. Results include enhanced energy, stable moods, healthy metabolism, strong bones and more!

Treatment is safe longterm with our careful supervision. There are additional lifestyle measures we recommend for supporting wellbeing during hormone therapy.

Areas Covered During the Initial Consultation

An indepth discussion of medical history and symptoms is followed by physician-ordered blood analysis if hormone imbalance is suspected. Definitive diagnosis requires testing key hormone markers.

We check levels of:

Sex hormones

Thyroid markers

Adrenal hormones

Metabolic profile


This extensive blood work thoroughly investigates potential problem areas. We then tailor bioidentical hormone therapy to your individual needs and sensitivities.

Followup tests are done periodically to ensure optimal levels are maintained longterm without overdosing. We partner closely with specialty compounding pharmacies to create customized bioidentical hormones in 50 combinations.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. Studies show that after transitioning with hormone therapy, transgender individuals experience reduced anxiety, depression and suicide risk to levels similar to the general population.

Developing a Personalized Treatment Plan

Hormone balance is highly individualized. An appropriate regimen for one person may be under or overtreatment for someone else. We carefully analyze blood test results like:

High or low estrogen

* Estradiol, estrone ratios indicate menopausal stage * Checks estrogen metabolism - protective or harmful

Progesterone levels

* Follicular or luteal phase, cycling or menopause * Relative to estrogen - how well balanced

Testosterone and DHEA

* Values adjusted for age and sex * Looks at bound vs free amounts

Thyroid hormones

* Ideal TSH range (adjusted to person) * Presence of antithyroid antibodies

Cortisol patterns

* Variations through day, spikes from stressors * Adrenal exhaustion or hyperarousal

The aim is understanding your particular imbalances and health objectives. We then develop a personalized plan involving lifestyle strategies like:

This is combined with doctor-prescribed bioidentical hormones in just the right doses. Follow-up blood tests help gauge treatment effectiveness and make dosage adjustments.

Working as partners, we optimize hormone balance for relieving deficiency symptoms and supporting wellness longterm.

Take control of your hormones, schedule your consultation.

Types of Hormone Therapy Offered

There are multiple delivery methods for bioidentical hormone replacement tailored to fit your lifestyle and preferences:

Oral capsules

Progesterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone and thyroid hormone are frequently taken in pill form for convenient daily dosing. Absorption occurs through the digestive tract.

Sublingual drops

Micronized progesterone, estriol, estradiol and testosterone liquids are held briefly under the tongue before swallowing. Sublingual uptake enters the bloodstream directly.

Transdermal topicals

Progesterone, testosterone, estrogens can be compounded into creams. Applied to wrists and inner arms, hormones gradually absorb transdermally.

Pellet implants

Testosterone pellets implanted under the skin continually release hormones for 3-5 months. Local anesthesia is used. Female pellet therapy is still under research.


Testosterone cypionate or enanthate are injectable oil solutions. Given intramuscularly once weekly, providing high bioavailability.

We offer expert guidance on the optimal methods for your body and hormone needs. Treatment plans often incorporate multiple delivery systems like oral capsules with a topical cream. Adjustments may be made over time based on blood test results and symptom response.

Finding the right balance and dosage through testing takes patience, but brings big rewards in terms of increased energy, stable mood and metabolism, better sleep and more!

Lifestyle and Supportive Care Recommendations

Bioidentical hormone therapy aims to resolve deficiency issues at root cause. However supporting healthy lifestyle choices helps it work best by:

Promoting hormone balance through nutrition

* Emphasize whole, colorful plant foods * Ensure adequate healthy fats daily * Stay hydrated, reduce caffeine/alcohol

Improving sleep quantity and quality

* Prioritize 7-9 hours nightly * Develop consistent bedtime routine * Limit electronics before bed

Reducing stress

* Practice regular deep breathing * Take relaxing hot baths * Do gentle stretching or yoga

Supporting microbiome

* Eat fermented foods daily * Consider probiotic supplements * Boost fiber consumption

Additional areas to discuss with your healthcare provider include:

We also provide referrals to other trusted practitioners like naturopaths, acupuncturists, counselors, massage therapists and personal trainers.

Balancing hormonesTakes a Holistic Approach including both prescription bioidenticals and lifestyle changes for optimal wellness.

Importance of Timely Evaluation and Treatment

Hormone levels tend to decline gradually with age. Deficiency often develops slowly over 5-10 years before becoming problematic. However prompt diagnosis enables swift treatment to resolve symptoms before they seriously impact quality of life.

Common reasons for inadequate hormone production include:


* Natural decreases over time * Earlier hormone decline in some


* Estrogen levels drop significantly * Cycle ceases - fertility ends

Andropause in men

* "Male menopause" - testosterone drops * Gradual onset

Chronic stress

* Adrenal glands produce excess cortisol * Imbalances other hormones

Medical interventions

* Surgery removing ovaries, testes * Chemotherapy and radiation * Long term corticosteroid therapy

Without adequate hormones, we experience unwelcome physical and mental signs. Its crucial to identify and treat imbalances early through testing and appropriate therapy before they progress.

Benefits of early detection and swift treatment include:

We emphasize comprehensive blood analysis at first suspicion of hormone imbalance. This enables tailored therapy protecting health and quality of life - especially for those in perimenopause, menopause, andropause or older ages. Don't delay if unwelcome signs arise!

Why Choose Horizon Hormone Therapy for Your Hormone Needs

Conveniently located in Elk River MN, our experienced physicians and nurses provide cutting edge testing and treatment for hormone balance. We are passionate about supporting patient education, empowerment and thriving wellness.

Reasons to choose us for your hormone optimization needs:

Specialized expertise

* Advanced training in age management, hormone therapy * Complex cases, personalized treatment plans * Ongoing provider education

Quality compounded bioidentical hormones

* Sourced from top FDA-registered pharmacies * Multiple combinations and delivery methods * Precise dosing for individual needs

Ongoing partnership

* Initial consultations plus followup visits * Blood tests every 6 months - dosage adjustments * Close monitoring for optimal benefits

Holistic solutions

* Address root causes of imbalance * Evidence-based lifestyle guidance * Connections to allied providers

We also provide advanced Primary Care, IV Therapies, Aesthetics and other offerings catering to whole health restoration and maintenance. $50 discount for new patients with this article!

Horizon Hormone Therapy serves Elk River plus nearby Albertville, Andover, Anoka, Becker, Big Lake, Buffalo, Champlin, Cokato, Dayton, Delano, Hanover, Howard Lake, Maple Grove, Maple Plain, Monticello, Montrose, Mound, Otsego Rogers, St. Michael, South Haven, Rockford, Rogers, St. Michael, South Haven, Zimmerman and beyond.

Reclaim your energy, mental clarity and quality of life! Schedule a consultation at Horizon Hormone Therapy today.

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